Let's get Seriously Social!


RiversMeet is Seriously Social!

We’re serious about doing social good and adding social value to people’s lives here at RiversMeet Leisure Centre.

That’s why we will be marking the first ever Seriously Social Week in May as part of a national campaign that showcases the work of charities, like ours, putting people above profit, connecting communities and helping people to become healthier, happier and more creative, regardless of age or ability.

Seriously Social has been organized by national body Community Leisure UK. Starting Monday 27 - each day of the week will focus on a theme to show how companies like ours help create social impact and create happier, healthier communities.   Themes include Health & Wellbeing, Environment, Inclusion, Community and Employment & Skills.

Kirsty Cumming, CEO of Community Leisure UK, said: “Our members don’t just deliver public leisure and cultural services, they support social change for the better every day of the week, 365 days a year.

“As social enterprises and charities, they put people above profit. They are run by local people and have everyone’s best interests at heart. This week is about showcasing how they go above and beyond supporting individuals and communities. This is a selfless sector, quietly going about supporting people and communities every day. Not because it makes them money, but because it's the right thing to do. And we thought it was high time more people know about the great work they do and the difference they make.”

More than 110 Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises deliver public leisure and culture in Scotland, Wales and Ireland as part of the Community Leisure UK network. Together in 2023 they:

  • Welcomed more than 209 million visits
  • Worked with 170+ Local Authorities
  • Collaborated with more than 100,000 Community Groups
  • 73% Reduced Carbon Emissions
  • 63% provided warm spaces
  • 75% provided holiday food and activity programmes.
  • Saved the state and NHS £893million through their work getting people more active and healthier *

For more information visit seriouslysocial.org.uk

*Social Value Figure produced by 4Global using data from Moving Communities and DataHub. Full stats can be found at seriouslysocial.org.uk